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Tomorrow, the Thayer Public Library is hosting an Indie author day, including a webinar during the afternoon about Self-E and E-books in libraries. Emphasizing that libraries everywhere should foster the idea of the new digital age within the traditional brick and mortar physical building and the housing of "the codex", or physical books. I found some interesting videos made in 2010 that I'd like to post --that have interesting predictions that haven't quite panned out (i.e. predictions such as Kindle wouldn't partner with libraries). Take a listen.

The video is interesting because it is about outmoded things -- outmoded formats as they relate to books in this digital age and also other outmoded technologies in history, like Eight-track tapes, and DVD's.

Here is Part Two of the series (please copy and paste in your browser if you are interested):

Enjoy and we'll talk more about libraries later! I don't agree with the narrator that "iibraries are screwed" because, in fact, they are embracing the digital age, which this series thought wasn't likely to happen. I've posted another video (please copy and paste in your browser) which is another recommendation for libraries to change their vision. I don't mind, as long as they keep the codex! :) Happy Columbus Day weekend!

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